The Socio-psychological service of TNPU

In everyone’s life there are difficult moments, crisis situations, when you need mental help and support, which can be provided only by a professional psychologist. Our University has such an opportunity. You can ask any question that interests you, to which it is difficult to find an answer.
The main task of socio-psychological service is the mental support of the educational process and the implementation of a number of preventive, corrective and educational measures.
The main areas of the Socio-psychological service activity:
1. Diagnostic work: conducting tests to determine personality traits, professional qualities, diagnosis of interpersonal relationships, etc.
Conducting diagnostics will help to learn about your strengths and weaknesses, to understand yourself better.
2. Conducting psychological trainings, which can be made at the individual request of the group.
Training is a set of specific methods that are aimed at developing the relevant skills of the participants.
Approximate topics of psychological training:
- “Self-knowledge and self-development”;
- “Self-confidence, leadership training”;
- “Effectiveness in interpersonal relationships”;
- “Male and Female Psychology”;
- “Effective time management”;
- “Effective self-presentation”;
- “Effective communication”;
- “Conflict resolution training”;
- “Anti-stress, relaxation classes”.
3. Individual counseling. If you have questions but no answers, you aren’t confident or want to know more about your identity, we suggest you to have an individual consultation.
The main functions of the psychological service:
1. Psychological education (dissemination and promotion of psychological knowledge, lecture work, work with the media);
2. Psychoprophylaxis and psychodiagnostics (detection and elimination of negative factors, detection and use of positive conditions for personality development, early psychodiagnostics).
3. Psychocorrection (individual and group psychocorrection classes).
4. Scientific-methodical and research work (conducting sociological surveys, analytical work, conducting seminars, creating a data bank, preparing recommendations for curators).
For students and staff of TNPU:
- individual consultations;
- group work (trainings, conversations, video lectures);
- psychological literature and films;
- advices of a psychologist in the thematic sections of the university website and “Student Herald” (“Studentskyi Visnyk”);
The Socio-psychological service of the university actively cooperates with:
- Department of Practical Psychology;
- information and resource center;
- public organizations;
- Ternopil City Center for Social Services for the Family, Children and Youth;
- MC “Dovira” Ternopil Regional Center for Social Services for Families, Children and Youth.
If you have any questions, contact a practical psychologist in office 27 of the Main building (Department on work with Youth).
There are individual appointments (you can prior set via e-mail).
Phone: +38 0352 436085.
Practical psychologist – Olha Yaroslavivna Lohvys